Expand Your CPG Network with Meaningful Connections

Networking can be intimidating but making meaningful connections doesn't have to be hard.

Join for 2024 here

Our CPG Connections program pairs you with a new industry contact each month for a one-on-one virtual coffee chat. You'll expand your network while building real relationships with peers who share your interests and goals.

Each month, we'll thoughtfully match you with someone new in the CPG space for a 30-minute video call. You'll receive an intro email that shares your backgrounds and conversation starters to break the ice. After your chat, you can choose to stay in touch or part ways - no pressure either way.

You will also have access to exclusive Quarterly Webinars on topics that will build your confidence and commitment to expand your network in 2024.

By committing to regular, structured networking, you'll expand your circle of CPG contacts in an organic, enjoyable way. You'll make connections that spark new ideas, potential partnerships, and career growth. And you'll build relationships that feel genuine, not just LinkedIn-official.

Join Here

Frequently Asked Questions

Have more questions, just email us at [email protected]

Our team carefully pairs you with someone new in the CPG industry based on your background, interests, and goals. We handle introductions via email to make the process seamless and leave it to you to schedule the call at your convenience.

How you nurture the connection after your first chat is entirely up to you! There's no obligation to continue chatting or meet again. But many members choose to stay in touch with valuable new contacts.

We welcome anyone in the CPG industry - brand marketers, product developers, sales leaders, retail executives, and more. You'll connect with peers across roles, companies, and categories for diverse perspectives.

If you participated in 2023, we have great additions for 2024

Along with monthly introductions, we will introduce:Ā 

  • Quarterly webinars designed specifically for you to help you to enhance your skills in the area of networking.Ā 
  • A networking portal with tips and timesavers.
  • Recommendations to make the scheduling of the calls more streamlined and effective.
Join Us Today!!


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